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Strong together. Help together.


Our team consists of entrepreneurs and businessmen to run the business of the foundation successfully and according to our goals. We perform our activities on a voluntary basis at no cost to the Foundation.

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After graduating from the Dietrich Bonhoeffer Gymnasium in 1985, Guido served as an officer in the German Armed Forces for 12 years. From 1988 to 1992 he studied computer science at the University of the German Armed Forces in Munich. Afterwards he was a representative of the Federal Republic of Germany in various NATO and other international committees for the BMVg and the Army Office, among others. After his time in the Bundeswehr from 1997 onwards, Guido moved into industry. He worked in technical companies as a consultant and later as a sales manager, serving customers worldwide with frequent travel. After he and his colleague Martin Terlunen had successfully built up a new satellite communication service with a new department and own employees in a larger company, he decided in 2004 together with Martin to dare the change from employee to entrepreneur and founded the company CETel GmbH. After the - perhaps necessary - initial difficulties, the company successfully developed from a 2-man operation to a globally active company with 50 employees worldwide without any outside financial help. During this time, Guido was involved in several company start-ups and acquisitions, including in Germany, the United Arab Emirates and France. Together with Roland Poschner, he founded a company in Barcelona, Spain in 2012. After the successful sale of the French company, Guido founded the "Guido Neumann Stiftung gGmbH" in 2015.

Guido is married and has 2 children. Guido has been friends with Jörn and Roland since childhood.


All activities for the foundation are performed by Guido on a voluntary basis.

Jörn Kämper



Born April 30, 1966. Jörn graduated from the Dietrich Bonhoeffer Gymnasium in Wiehl in 1985. He completed his studies in business administration at the University of Cologne in 1992. During his studies, Jörn gained his first professional experience at Volkswagen Canada (Toronto) and BMW (Munich), both in the field of marketing. From 1992 to 1994, he worked as a management consultant at Kienbaum Unternehmensberatung (Düsseldorf). For 22 years, Jörn worked at A.S. Création Tapeten AG (Gummersbach), Europe's leading wallpaper manufacturer - including 3 years as Chief Sales Officer and 15 years as Chief Executive Officer. Since April 2016, he has been devoting himself to new challenges.

Jörn lives with his partner in Wiehl. His hobbies are tennis, mountain biking, skiing, photography and traveling.

He has been friends with Guido and Roland since childhood and supports the foundation as an advisor in the management of the foundation's capital as well as in the selection and implementation of the projects to be supported.


All activities for the foundation are performed by Jörn on a voluntary basis.

Roland Poschner



Born March 28, 1966. After graduating from the Dietrich Bonhoeffer Gymnasium in Wiehl in 1985, Roland began a dual training program as an industrial clerk and studied business administration at the University of Cooperative Education in Mannheim. In 2002, he completed the Global Executive MBA program with an MBA degree at IESE in Barcelona with modules in Shanghai and Silicon Valley.

Between 1989 and 1991, Roland gained his first professional experience in business development at Eismann International, a leading direct seller of frozen food, with stays abroad in England, Italy and France. From 1992-2010 he was country manager and member of the board of directors of the newly established foreign subsidiary of Eismann Spain in Barcelona, which grew to over 500 employees by 2010. In addition, from 1996-2000 he managed the start-up of eismann city in Berlin and Paris, a pilot project for metropolitan areas based on telemarketing and the Internet. In 2003 Roland started a new business with a German-Spanish partner for the rental of vacation apartments in Barcelona in their own properties. In 2010 he founded with Guido another company for Apartment Rental in Barcelona in a new property. From 2004 to 2006 he was an honorary board member of the Circle of German Speaking Executives in Barcelona.

After more than 20 years abroad, Roland has been working back in Germany since 2011 as Managing Director in TRIGOcare International, the medical device company he co-founded. He lives together with his Spanish partner and his 2 sons in Drabenderhöhe. In his spare time he is a volunteer soccer coach of a youth team.

Roland has been friends with Rolf, Guido and Jörn since childhood and supports the foundation as an advisor in the administration of the foundation's capital as well as in the selection and implementation of the projects to be supported.


All activities for the foundation are performed by Roland on a voluntary basis.

Rolf Königes



Geb. 24.12.1964. 1984 machte Rolf sein Abitur am Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-Gymnasium in Wiehl. Nach der Absolvierung des Grundwehrdienstes in Hamburg begann er im April 1986 das Studium der Betriebswirtschaftslehre an der Universität zu Köln. Neben der universitären Ausbildung konnte er erste berufliche Erfahrungen als studentische Hilfskraft in einer mittelständischen Steuerberatungskanzlei in Overath sammeln. Nach Abschluss des Studiums im März 1992 arbeitete er in dieser Kanzlei zunächst als Steuerassistent und nach der Bestellung zum Steuerberater im März 1996 als angestellter Steuerberater. Im Januar 2000 stellte er sich einer neuen Herausforderung und wechselte in die Selbständigkeit. Seit nunmehr 15 Jahren ist er im Rahmen einer Bürogemeinschaft in Köln-Rath mit Steuerberatern und Wirtschaftsprüfern tätig und betreut kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen sowie Privatpersonen in allen steuerrechtlichen und betriebswirtschaftlichen Belangen.
Rolf ist verheiratet und lebt mit seiner Frau und zwei Kindern in Drabenderhöhe. Er ist seit Kindertagen mit Roland befreundet und unterstützt die Stiftung als Beirat bei allen steuerlichen Fragestellungen sowie bei der Auswahl und Umsetzung der zu fördernden Projekte.


Alle Tätigkeiten für die Stiftung werden von Rolf ehrenamtlich erbracht.

Stefan Rothman



Born on March 29, 1969. In 1989, Stefan completed his apprenticeship as an industrial clerk at Bergische Achsenfabrik in Wiehl. Afterwards he visited the higher commercial school in Gummersbach and finished it in 1992 with the advanced technical college entrance qualification. Along the way, Stefan released a total of 5 studio albums and played live concerts with Gianna Nanini, Ten Years After, Steve Harley, etc. In 1991, he was signed by the label Big Noise Records Cologne. This was followed by a stay abroad in Los Angeles. There he met several musicians and expanded his network in the field of music/painting - these contacts are still actively maintained today.

After his return he moved to Cologne and worked with a friend in the fashion industry and was responsible for direct sales as well as the development of IT.

In the parental business Stefan worked again and again intermittently since 1989 until he finally joined the company miro Verbandstoffe GmbH, production and distribution of medical products, permanently in 1994. He took over the position of IT, QM and Head of Internal Sales. In 2003 he was appointed second managing director next to his father and in 2007, after his father's retirement, he became sole managing director.

In 2010, two business areas (Diagnostics and Modern Wound Care) were spun off from miro GmbH into the subsidiary TRIGOcare International GmbH.

Stefan Rothmann is married, has two children and lives in Much. His hobbies are music, painting, traveling and photography.


All activities for the foundation are performed by Stefan on a voluntary basis.

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